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C'era una volta un re che si chiamava Inverno ed aveva un grande palazzo nel bel mezzo di una landa desolata e ricoperta di neve. I suoi sudditi, stanchi delle bufere di neve e del clima gelido, erano migrati tutti verso altri regni dal clima più mite. Il re era rimasto completamente solo e, per questo motivo, si era rifugiato in una stanzetta del palazzo ed aveva buttato il suo trono in mezzo alla neve. "Tanto - pensava - a che mi serve? Non debbo dare udienza a nessuno."
A Fairy Tale - part 1: KING WINTER
Once upon a time there was a king named Winter. He lived in a large palace in the middle of a desolate land covered with snow. His subjects, who could no longer bear the blizzards and the chilly weather, had gone away to settle down in other kingdoms with milder climate.
For this reason, the King was completely alone. He decided to live in a small room inside his palace and he throwed away his throne in the snow. "This throne is useless - he said - in fact I have no subjects to receive."
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