giovedì 28 marzo 2013



Un giorno, ritenendo non più tollerabile la solitudine, il re decise di cercarsi una sposa, facendo affiggere un bando in tutti i regni confinanti con il suo. Giunsero varie dame ansiose di mostrare i loro pregi: c'era chi si vantava di avere una grande cultura, chi si riteneva abilissima nel filare, chi faceva sfoggio di improbabile eleganza. Il re, disgustato da tutto il vociare e da tutti quegli orpelli con cui si erano agghindate le pretendenti, se ne stava triste ed annoiato. Per lui erano tutte uguali, come se sul viso portassero una maschera.

50 x 50 acrilico/collage su tela

A Fairy Tale - part 2 : THE FEMALE SUITORS

One day, the King decided to look for a wife because he was very sad and lonely. The King posted a notice in all the neighboring kingdoms. Many noblewomen arrived in order to show their qualities. Some of them were proud of their own culture, others were good at knitting, others thought to be the most elegant ones. The King was disgusted by the noise, by their voices, by their strange hats; he was sad and bored. He had no interest in them: to him they were all the same as if they were wearing masks over their faces.

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