Maggio è il mese ideale per visitare i parchi ed i giardini. Ho visitato la tenuta di Fontaine La Soret, a 140 Km da Parigi.
Il parco comprende tra l'altro un'area progettata da Russel Page. Ho trovato particolarmente suggestivi il giardino di fiori bianchi e blu, racchiuso tra alte siepi, ed un prato in leggera discesa dominato da un cedro del Libano piantato nel 1770 circa.
Bellissimo anche il glicine bianco che orna la terrazza del castello. Ho scattato alcune fotografie dei punti più affascinanti.
May is a very good period to visit parks and gardens. I went to the gardens of Fontaine La Soret (140 Km from Paris). This park includes also an area that was designed by Russel Page. I found very charming the part of the garden full of white and blue flowers and surrounded by high hedges. Behind it there is a lawn with a slight downhill with a giant Cedar of Lebanon that was planted in about 1770. There is also a wonderful white Wisteria adorning the terrace of the castle. I took some photographs of the most fascinating points of the garden.
May is a very good period to visit parks and gardens. I went to the gardens of Fontaine La Soret (140 Km from Paris). This park includes also an area that was designed by Russel Page. I found very charming the part of the garden full of white and blue flowers and surrounded by high hedges. Behind it there is a lawn with a slight downhill with a giant Cedar of Lebanon that was planted in about 1770. There is also a wonderful white Wisteria adorning the terrace of the castle. I took some photographs of the most fascinating points of the garden.